PATIENCE is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. Beautiful things happen at the right time.
"changing yourself slightly can make a big difference"

"what's with giving up from the beginning?"

"don't decide like you're not gonna change from the start"

"we have to live through...we all do"

"unless you live on
you don't know what's gonna happen..."

"you will be able to meet
different people...
and then one day...
you'll never see them again..."

"once a heart is broken
it's not gonna recover that easily.."

"i want nobuta to be just mine..
i don't want others to look at her..." 

- Kusano -

"when nobuta hugged me...
i understood for the first time...
i'm...a lonely...human being..."

"it's so scary to not be believed by others.."
...even if i say it, it will just sound like an excuse..."
"Awaken this sleeping heart of mine."

                                                                                         - Frailty, Urbandub -
"Meet me here beneath the burning skies
Where the ocean comes and takes us from all of our lives

What keeps you so far away?
We can swim in silence
You can pull me under
I will not come up for anyone
I could slowly sink in
Watch you as you live by
I will drown until you care"

                                                                         - Swim in Silence, Paramore -