I have just finished watching a biopic about a strong-willed woman who defied traditions and followed her passions. I was deeply moved by how she lived her life and how she handled the matters of the heart. Her boldness and courage really impressed and struck me. I must say that I admire her character. Her fictitious character that is. Somehow, the whole movie was flowered and romanticized with a lot of delusions to make it more enticing to the audience rather than staying true to reality. But I must say that I am simply fascinated by how the movie was arrayed and wish that it was so.

I have come to a lot of thoughts after I have watched it and they filled my mind like raptures. First of all, I was really drawn to her character. How she has defied on the customs and traditions of her time. She was independent and had a knack for writing which was uncommon in those times. Being independent and witty was not really welcoming as a woman but she dared follow her own path. She dared to follow her passions and affections which were not allowed.

Then came the irony of a love that was first hated but then desired. Her wits were challenged and this was probably why she was drawn to him in the first place. He made her see things in his own perspective. And vice versa. It was a love that was never bound to happen. It was a love that was strongly desired. One that doesn't falter even in years. But even in romanticized movies, reality comes in and destroys it. Unfavorable circumstances happen which make it impossible to grow into fruition. It was a love that was too beautiful to even exist. So she put it into her writings. She poured out her heart, mind, and soul to her novels. Creating circumstances that, even though they were unfavorable, they can be overcome and run through. She created stories that produced happy endings and protagonists marrying for love and being happy. It was contradictory to the circumstances she was in. I thought she would compromise herself for a marriage of convenience but in the end, she stayed true to herself. Even if it means not united with another person. It was a sad and profound love story of a writer. 

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