"What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God -- through Jesus Christ our LORD!" - Romans 7:24-25 -

I've read this article about how Socrates was both loved and hated in his time. Of all his advices, there is one instruction that the author highly considers -- "Know Thyself". He has presented these questions so that one would be able to evaluate himself/herself. Your answers to these questions would reveal parts of who you really are.

1. What do you want out life?
2. What do you think about most?
3. How do you spend your money?
4. What do you do with your leisure time?
5. What kind of company do you enjoy?
6. Whom do you admire?
7. What do you laugh at?

What do you want out of life?

Right now, I want to live for You, Lord. I want to be able to grow closer to you until the Day comes. And I want to be a strong Christian believer who is able to move people because of Your Power. I want to do Your will here on earth. And I want to live my life based on your statutes and decrees. Everything that pleases and glorifies You.

Aside from that, I really want to travel around the world. See, hear, feel and know different cultures from across the globe. I want to be able to meet different kinds of people of different colors, races and nationalities. I want to experience life outside my country and be able to connect and touch people's lives. *wishful thinking*

What do you think about most?

I'm mostly thinking about the who. Aside from You, Lord, I am thinking about Amos. About how troubled I am of what is to come for both of us. Our relationship is not really ideal realistically speaking (obviously) and not ideal in viewing from a Christian perspective, but I know it will take a lot of trust for my soul to be at ease. I know that I just have to trust You deeply in this part of my life. I know that you can do miracles and everything that's gonna happen is for our own good no matter how painful. 

I'm also thinking about a friend whom I feel disaffected with. Lord, I just pray that you guard his heart and cover him with your love. I pray that what I did would not be the cause of making him stray, but it will make him stronger and better.

How do  you spend your money?

Right now, I know the importance of giving tithes and offerings to the Lord is something that should not be disregarded and I really try my best to give to God what I have. I admit I have a problem when it comes to giving, but I know that He will heal this part in me. I just have to really pray for it. I also try my best to give to my family when they need financial support. Sometimes I become reluctant (what a bad daughter I can be) in giving. I've had rough experiences before in terms of giving and it has greatly affected my generosity. I gotta have that spirit of generosity back in me again. 

What do you do with your leisure time?

Most of the time, I absorb knowledge and information about almost anything. But I know what's most fulfilling is when I do this to know more about You, Lord. I really want to be active in the Church and be able to be in fellowship with other Christians. But I also want to spend time with Amos. Sigh.

What kind of company do you enjoy? 

I enjoy a positive uplifting company who allows you to be yourself, but at the same time makes you a better person. A company wherein you are comfortable to open up. Wherein you don't feel being judged but understood. I really want to meet Christian friends as I know they will be able to help me become closer to You, Lord.

Whom do you admire?

I admire courageous and confident people who stood out for what is right even if it is unpopular. Who are able to show their faith in God to other people wherein their Christ-likeness show in their lives. I admire charismatic Christians who are able to move people and change people's lives in profound ways. I admire authors, speakers, musicians, and the like.

What do you laugh at?

It's not really hard to make me laugh. I laugh at the silliest things that people do or silly jokes and silly situations. I laugh when I find that it is something to be laughed at.

If I were to answer these questions 5 years ago, I'm sure my answers would really be far off. I don't even know how I would answer them, but knowing God now has made a deep impact on the decisions I make and every thought process I have. I know there are still some parts of my life that needs guidance from Him, but I know God is constantly working in me. 
Life is a game.
I'm filled with grim images as I immerse myself in horrid and brutally picturesqe concepts and materials. I have just hoarded information regarding Battle Royale and Lord of the Flies among other things which involves situations that are unpopular and appears to be a taboo (I didn't know there was such a thing as matricide and it's actually happening in reality! How horrible! :-S). I cannot relay a detailed explanation of my curiosity of these kinds of things. This is probably because, as I have said before, these things are unpopular and are not expressly or openly discussed among peers. And because I wanted to find out the truth of this reality. That's because not everyone can handle the truth. The brutal truth of human nature. Not everyone can handle things that seemed impossible but rather signifies some truths in it denied by society. Not everyone can handle truth that is presented brutally and violently.
What interests me in these things are the psychological aspects of people that are twisted and perverted in a way that would lead them to do things that are unheard of. It's a rather ostracized theme of life so information about it is limited and I have this urge to divulge in this topic deeply to extract the very nature of people and to understand the reasons behind their warped actions. I just felt the need to be able to help explain the actions of people especially brutal actions. Because once you determine the root cause of an action, you would be able to understand and probably avoid that from happening to people around you. This also gives me insight and understanding in helping a person fight his or her personal demons and emancipate him or her from past pains, disappointments, frustrations, and traumatic experiences. 

I should have been a psychologist.