Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Small-talk-108390039
Talk about the small things. Ask someone how they are going, and wait for their answer.

I was at the post office the other day. No one else was around. As I came to the counter, I felt that the lady serving me was not happy, so I said, "You seem a bit down - are you OK?"

She looked at me and said, "Thank you for asking. I am very worried about my daughter..." She shared why and the concerns she had.

When she had finished telling her story I quietly asked, "Can I pray for you?"


I offered a simple prayer, right there, in a soft voice with my eyes open: "Dear Lord, please bring peace to this family and this situation, amen."

She thanked me and I went on my way. It is amazing what happens when  you ask someone how they are when you are actually willing to listen and respond to what they say. 

- Sally
This is such a simple yet touching act of kindness. Being an introvert, I find it difficult to do such a thing. But I know that it's no excuse for me not to do these kinds of things. I do pray to the Lord that He will give me enough strength and courage to do what is pleasing in His eyes ceasing every opportunity to help others, to love others and to show God's love to them. I pray to be fearless to do the right things according to God's statutes and standards. Amen.
I've just read an article about God and war. It's about a commentary about how the US Congress considers military action in Syria.

First of all, I am not fond of wars. In fact, I am strongly against it and I fear that with one offensive war, another comes after. Then another.

Also, I am not that really interested in wars, but I know that this is something that concerns everyone especially if a world-scale war will occur. So here's my take on it.

It's a bit hard to comment on this kind of topic. If you read the Old Testament, there are parts that talk about destroying other cities and nations and not sparing the women and children. And to think that this were God's commands in those days. It may perhaps be partly the reason why some people stray from the Truth because they find it contradictory to a loving and merciful God or perhaps they don't fully understand it and picture a God that causes war.

Well I've done a bit of research because I, myself wanted to know more about it and well, one thing led to another. I found this great article about "Does God harden people's hearts so they won't be saved?" and I think some parts of it gives explanation about the wars in the Old Testament. But other than that, it also answers a more difficult question of does God harden people's hearts. It provides great insights. Quite a bit hard to swallow but great insights. I got into this because I didn't quite understand what the verse in Isaiah 6:10 was saying. But now, I think I know a bit of it and that I know God doesn't harden people's hearts and that He doesn't want anyone to perish.

I digress but with regards to the current situation, I don't think that this military action against Syria is a good idea or that it speaks of what God would want to happen.

In the mean time, just as the closing paragraph of the article is saying, "Pray for our leaders to seek and follow God's leading in these challenging days."
Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/a-helping-hand-103120876
Remember the joy of polite civilities. Offer to help with something -- a shopping bag, a door, a dropped set of keys. The possibilities are endless...

The week before Easter, I was standing in the check-out line at a supermarket - just listening to those around me. You see, I had gone into the shop on purpose, looking to engage and maybe even help someone that day. I heard a conversation at the next checkout that went like this:

Assistant: "I'm sorry. You are 80 cents short. You don't have enough money for all these items. You are going to need to put something back."

There was a pause. The customer said, "I guess I could put back the chocolate."

Instantly that conversation had my attention - no-one should have to put back chocolate! So I reached into my purse and pulled out a dollar. Reaching across to the checkout assistant, I gave the dollar to her and said, "No one should have to give back chocolate."

The customer was so surprised and she thanked me, but all I said was, "Happy Easter!"

- Ruthmary

Lord, help me have a heart that joyfully gives and joyfully helps. I have been so fearful and so cautious that they have hindered me from helping others. Even my family and friends. I can sometimes be outright mean and unreasonable. Please help me to be gentle and to be understanding with the people around me. Sometimes I can be a hypocrite in that I always want to be understood but then I failed to understand others. Help me Oh Lord to have an understanding and giving heart. Be my strength and courage when someone needs my help and provide me strength to offer help even to those who have not directly asked for it even to those who do not know me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
I was just checking my emails and facebook and I got this app called 'Message from GOD'. I have always liked this app because it never fails to bring a message that is somehow significant to the situation I'm in at the time of reading them. And now, I've received this message:
nd because of this, it made me stop what I'm doing and ponder about the question. What is actually happening to me?

I feel like I'm gradually fading away from what is important and this is like God telling me to stop and to hear His voice again. I have been so busy with work, with life, with relationships, that I have been neglecting the most important relationship of all. My relationship with God. I haven't been talking to Him lately (praying). I haven't been listening to Him lately (reading the Bible). And this made me realize that. I know I've got to stop and to have that intimate time again with the Lord and stick to it always.

I have been thinking about travelling to different places that I have subconsciously abandoned the pursuit of enriching my spiritual growth.

How can I truly serve God if I let all these pre-occupations hinder me from doing and thinking what is pleasing to Him?

Just like what our D-Group (Disciple Group) leader told us that before we can truly serve the Lord, we must first look into the spiritual health of our hearts. And that is what I'm going to do today.

Thank you Lord for this. :)
I like to travel and I have an affinity for writing. And I love Jesus Christ. It would be nice if I can put these things together. It's not really a prerequisite or requirement for my Christian faith but to walk and experience the places that Jesus had been as well as the places where God's chosen people and prophets walked on, it would be an amazing journey. And I would want to share it.

God-willing, I would want to be able to visit these places and just be amazed by them. I would want to know more about them and I know that they will provide insights and lets me see before my very eyes the foundation of my faith. I became interested in Archaeology and would want to know more about it, delving deeper into my faith and uncovering truth within.
"What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God -- through Jesus Christ our LORD!" - Romans 7:24-25 -

I've read this article about how Socrates was both loved and hated in his time. Of all his advices, there is one instruction that the author highly considers -- "Know Thyself". He has presented these questions so that one would be able to evaluate himself/herself. Your answers to these questions would reveal parts of who you really are.

1. What do you want out life?
2. What do you think about most?
3. How do you spend your money?
4. What do you do with your leisure time?
5. What kind of company do you enjoy?
6. Whom do you admire?
7. What do you laugh at?

What do you want out of life?

Right now, I want to live for You, Lord. I want to be able to grow closer to you until the Day comes. And I want to be a strong Christian believer who is able to move people because of Your Power. I want to do Your will here on earth. And I want to live my life based on your statutes and decrees. Everything that pleases and glorifies You.

Aside from that, I really want to travel around the world. See, hear, feel and know different cultures from across the globe. I want to be able to meet different kinds of people of different colors, races and nationalities. I want to experience life outside my country and be able to connect and touch people's lives. *wishful thinking*

What do you think about most?

I'm mostly thinking about the who. Aside from You, Lord, I am thinking about Amos. About how troubled I am of what is to come for both of us. Our relationship is not really ideal realistically speaking (obviously) and not ideal in viewing from a Christian perspective, but I know it will take a lot of trust for my soul to be at ease. I know that I just have to trust You deeply in this part of my life. I know that you can do miracles and everything that's gonna happen is for our own good no matter how painful. 

I'm also thinking about a friend whom I feel disaffected with. Lord, I just pray that you guard his heart and cover him with your love. I pray that what I did would not be the cause of making him stray, but it will make him stronger and better.

How do  you spend your money?

Right now, I know the importance of giving tithes and offerings to the Lord is something that should not be disregarded and I really try my best to give to God what I have. I admit I have a problem when it comes to giving, but I know that He will heal this part in me. I just have to really pray for it. I also try my best to give to my family when they need financial support. Sometimes I become reluctant (what a bad daughter I can be) in giving. I've had rough experiences before in terms of giving and it has greatly affected my generosity. I gotta have that spirit of generosity back in me again. 

What do you do with your leisure time?

Most of the time, I absorb knowledge and information about almost anything. But I know what's most fulfilling is when I do this to know more about You, Lord. I really want to be active in the Church and be able to be in fellowship with other Christians. But I also want to spend time with Amos. Sigh.

What kind of company do you enjoy? 

I enjoy a positive uplifting company who allows you to be yourself, but at the same time makes you a better person. A company wherein you are comfortable to open up. Wherein you don't feel being judged but understood. I really want to meet Christian friends as I know they will be able to help me become closer to You, Lord.

Whom do you admire?

I admire courageous and confident people who stood out for what is right even if it is unpopular. Who are able to show their faith in God to other people wherein their Christ-likeness show in their lives. I admire charismatic Christians who are able to move people and change people's lives in profound ways. I admire authors, speakers, musicians, and the like.

What do you laugh at?

It's not really hard to make me laugh. I laugh at the silliest things that people do or silly jokes and silly situations. I laugh when I find that it is something to be laughed at.

If I were to answer these questions 5 years ago, I'm sure my answers would really be far off. I don't even know how I would answer them, but knowing God now has made a deep impact on the decisions I make and every thought process I have. I know there are still some parts of my life that needs guidance from Him, but I know God is constantly working in me. 
I feel so blessed today. Thank you so much Oh Lord for showing yourself to me in all Your perfect timings and perfect ways. Your perfect plan for Me is gradually unfolding and just thinking about it overwhelms me with joy and hope in my heart. I just had a really amazing and blessed encounter with a Christian friend and I found myself smiling because of what happened. It fills me with happiness and fulfillment to hear the good news once again and the exchange of testimonies lets me know that my struggles are struggles of Christians all around the world and I know I just have to entrust these things and thoughts in my heart to You. For You alone will make things happen in Your own perfect time. 

The way you have molded and shaped me is just so amazing. The way you have touched people's lives and changed them forever is such a joy to see and witness. I am filled with immense joy and contentment knowing that in Your own time, everything will happen for Your glory for You desire everyone to be saved. As for my part, I will continue in praying and living a life deserving to be with You when You finally come down to be with Your people and create a new heaven and a new earth.

Thank you so much for my new found friend Blithe for encouraging me, for praying for me, for giving me hope with my struggles, for listening to me, and for making me grow closer to You. Thank you for answering my prayers in Your own time. Thank you for continually changing my life and making me spiritually grow and for not giving up on me. By your grace and love, I will continue in following You Lord, worshipping and praising You, and be a worthy steward of this earth for Your Glory. Thanks be to God.  
I still don't have a Bible right now because I gave mine to my younger brother so I am relying on two different sources to guide me in my quiet time that contain the nuggets of wisdom the Bible holds. And reading them keeps my heart light and my soul hopeful amidst the trials and circumstances I am facing right now.  

God's Love 
"I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." - Jeremiah 31:3 -
It's a joy to know that God is always there even when I seem to be focused on other things. I have been neglecting my spiritual health by pursuing worldly things and the cares of this world seemed to consume me once again. These words tell me the very thing I needed to hear right now knowing that God has always been faithful and loving and that He will always give care, comfort, and guidance to His children. 
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." - Psalms 31:24 -
This book I am reading right now which contains Biblical passages and truths really hit on what I am going through right now.  
"There is NO PROBLEM, NO CIRCUMSTANCE so dark that God cannot turn the problem around, and that gives hope--great hope for the future." 
Lord, there are so many things that I want to pray for that I can't seem to put them all together if I don't write them. There are so many people that I want to pray for and there are people asking me to pray for them. But I wonder. Why is it easier for me to pray wholeheartedly for things that really affects me? When friends and family requests me to pray for them and it's something that I am not directly part of, it's hard for me to concentrate and get the right words to pray for a certain thing for a certain person. But when it makes me worried about the state of that person and how certain things affect his or her life as a person, that's the time when I can really pray with my heart. But maybe that's just how it goes. Or maybe I need to concentrate and empathize more so that I will understand and help them pray as well. 

Right now, first of all, I don't want to think about myself even if there is something that I want to pray earnestly. Since I've been praying for it almost every day. Right now, I want to make a difference and pray for the people dear to me. 

I would like to start with my older sister. This is the one that triggered me to write and made me realize that there are so many who needs prayers. I will start with my family and friends since they are the closest to me. 

Lord, right now, I can sense and feel that my sister is aching and her heart is probably in pain. Although she may not verbalize all her feelings to me, I understand how painful it is to be in her situation. I pray Lord, that you set her free from the pain that's choking her. I cannot stand to see my sister get hurt and tolerate all the pain inside.  I pray that you enlighten her and guide her when she makes important decisions in her life. Please make her firm when she makes them and that those decisions are guided by you. Help her to be strong and firm for her beliefs, her rights, and her values. Don't let anyone trample on her kindness, patience, and tolerance. She really deserves better than that. And I pray that she will find happiness in You, Lord. Because you are the only one who can bring joy and contentment to one's heart. Not any material things, relationships, status, power, or wealth can truly make a person joyful and contented. You're the only one who can bring these into our lives. Lord, please show her the light and guide her as she sets off with her new freedom. Don't make her fall down to the ground again in this matter because it's been too long already. Please be with her.

There's also one friend that I would like to pray who is very close to me. We are so different in so many ways but it's amazing that we are able to live with each other. However, it seems that the ones closest to me are the most difficult to persuade change into their lives. This is probably because they already know a lot about me and somehow what I am is not convincing enough to help them change for the better. I'm struggling because of my weakness and somehow this weakness makes me feel incompetent and unable to create change in people's lives. I tried to reach out, but it was not enough. I failed and I don't know how I can  start in reaching again. I can only pray for her and pray that You will use me as an instrument to make her grow closer to You. She's not really a bad person. But I feel like the world is consuming her as she makes important decisions in her life and the mind set that she has about certain things. I wish I can enlighten her though but I, too, am just human and I'm not confident enough to speak of good things for I'd be a hypocrite if I stumble and eat my own words. But I know prayers can do wonders. And right now, at this moment, all I can offer is my prayer, Lord, that you change her heart and set her free from the desires of this world. 

Last but not the least for today, there's this one person that I really hold dear to my heart. Someone I can lose anytime but I'd prefer not to.  The bond and connection is just so strong and so amazing that I don't want to let go of it. I know, Lord, that you can do all things. You can make things happen. You have the power to make this go away and you have the power to make it flourish and grow. But when I think about it, it sounds really selfish and I shouldn't focus on what it can do for me. Rather, right now, I want to pray for that person because He needs you Lord. He just doesn't know it. I know it will be very painful if things will not work out, but Lord, at the very least, please touch his heart and let him know who You are. Soften his heart and let him seek You. Help him Lord with his struggles and whenever he needs help, please be there for him. Let him know that you are God. Let him know the truth. But honestly speaking, Lord, I really do want this to work out. And that You also use me as an instrument for him to turn to You. Only you can make it work out. Because if I rely on myself, if I rely on him, if I rely on reality as it is, something like this is inexistent and I'm living in a fantasy world. Everything around me is saying it's all wrong but why do I feel so much about it. Why do I hope so much? Is it because this is my first and I am just so naive? Do I need a large dose of reality just to wake up from this dream? Will it be like every other relationship that I hear and know which ends up disgraced, broken, and regretful? Sometimes, I wish that you set this one apart. But I know I shouldn't. Because whatever will happen, whether this will work out or not, I know that what you have is better than what I wish for myself. It's just painful and it makes me sad when relationships don't work out. Not just for myself, but for everyone who has ever been in one. It's just so sad. Right now, Lord, I entrust this to you for I know that You will take care of it. Also, I'll try my very best and work hard on my part as a steward of the gifts and blessings that you have entrusted to me for Your Glory.
Lord Jesus, 

Thank you so much for this day because despite all the bad news, I really feel blessed and 'normal' today. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that you have showered upon us. 

Lord, thank you for my job, for all the opportunities, for my family, for my friends, and to all the experiences and people that you have blessed me with to help me grow closer to you. 

I know I have not been living a life that's worthy of you. And somehow, I need to change the way I live my life and share my blessings to anyone who deserves them. 

Lord, have control over my life. Have control over my thoughts, actions, decisions and everyday living. Give me strength to fight off temptation but still be inspired and moved. Please give me strength to shout your name and glorify and praise you among many peoples. Help me not to wane when things get rough and when I feel like my faith will be compromised. Please help me to be strong to fight for what I believe in and that it will show in everything that I do. Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything in it. Even the one that I desired the most. I offer them to you. For I know that my life will be beautiful, peaceful, and safe when every aspect of it is in Your hands. 

Please let me feel your love always. Let the fire in my heart burn for You that people around me will know that You are God and You save. Help me and guide me Lord to grow towards You and use me as an instrument for Your Glory. Teach me and guide me how to touch other people's hearts that they will know Your name. That you are the only one true God that they should seek. Please be with me always Lord that the evil one will not partake in even one small part in my life. Help me Lord to seek You always and seek You first above all else.