I still don't have a Bible right now because I gave mine to my younger brother so I am relying on two different sources to guide me in my quiet time that contain the nuggets of wisdom the Bible holds. And reading them keeps my heart light and my soul hopeful amidst the trials and circumstances I am facing right now.  

God's Love 
"I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." - Jeremiah 31:3 -
It's a joy to know that God is always there even when I seem to be focused on other things. I have been neglecting my spiritual health by pursuing worldly things and the cares of this world seemed to consume me once again. These words tell me the very thing I needed to hear right now knowing that God has always been faithful and loving and that He will always give care, comfort, and guidance to His children. 
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." - Psalms 31:24 -
This book I am reading right now which contains Biblical passages and truths really hit on what I am going through right now.  
"There is NO PROBLEM, NO CIRCUMSTANCE so dark that God cannot turn the problem around, and that gives hope--great hope for the future." 

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