Lord, there are so many things that I want to pray for that I can't seem to put them all together if I don't write them. There are so many people that I want to pray for and there are people asking me to pray for them. But I wonder. Why is it easier for me to pray wholeheartedly for things that really affects me? When friends and family requests me to pray for them and it's something that I am not directly part of, it's hard for me to concentrate and get the right words to pray for a certain thing for a certain person. But when it makes me worried about the state of that person and how certain things affect his or her life as a person, that's the time when I can really pray with my heart. But maybe that's just how it goes. Or maybe I need to concentrate and empathize more so that I will understand and help them pray as well. 

Right now, first of all, I don't want to think about myself even if there is something that I want to pray earnestly. Since I've been praying for it almost every day. Right now, I want to make a difference and pray for the people dear to me. 

I would like to start with my older sister. This is the one that triggered me to write and made me realize that there are so many who needs prayers. I will start with my family and friends since they are the closest to me. 

Lord, right now, I can sense and feel that my sister is aching and her heart is probably in pain. Although she may not verbalize all her feelings to me, I understand how painful it is to be in her situation. I pray Lord, that you set her free from the pain that's choking her. I cannot stand to see my sister get hurt and tolerate all the pain inside.  I pray that you enlighten her and guide her when she makes important decisions in her life. Please make her firm when she makes them and that those decisions are guided by you. Help her to be strong and firm for her beliefs, her rights, and her values. Don't let anyone trample on her kindness, patience, and tolerance. She really deserves better than that. And I pray that she will find happiness in You, Lord. Because you are the only one who can bring joy and contentment to one's heart. Not any material things, relationships, status, power, or wealth can truly make a person joyful and contented. You're the only one who can bring these into our lives. Lord, please show her the light and guide her as she sets off with her new freedom. Don't make her fall down to the ground again in this matter because it's been too long already. Please be with her.

There's also one friend that I would like to pray who is very close to me. We are so different in so many ways but it's amazing that we are able to live with each other. However, it seems that the ones closest to me are the most difficult to persuade change into their lives. This is probably because they already know a lot about me and somehow what I am is not convincing enough to help them change for the better. I'm struggling because of my weakness and somehow this weakness makes me feel incompetent and unable to create change in people's lives. I tried to reach out, but it was not enough. I failed and I don't know how I can  start in reaching again. I can only pray for her and pray that You will use me as an instrument to make her grow closer to You. She's not really a bad person. But I feel like the world is consuming her as she makes important decisions in her life and the mind set that she has about certain things. I wish I can enlighten her though but I, too, am just human and I'm not confident enough to speak of good things for I'd be a hypocrite if I stumble and eat my own words. But I know prayers can do wonders. And right now, at this moment, all I can offer is my prayer, Lord, that you change her heart and set her free from the desires of this world. 

Last but not the least for today, there's this one person that I really hold dear to my heart. Someone I can lose anytime but I'd prefer not to.  The bond and connection is just so strong and so amazing that I don't want to let go of it. I know, Lord, that you can do all things. You can make things happen. You have the power to make this go away and you have the power to make it flourish and grow. But when I think about it, it sounds really selfish and I shouldn't focus on what it can do for me. Rather, right now, I want to pray for that person because He needs you Lord. He just doesn't know it. I know it will be very painful if things will not work out, but Lord, at the very least, please touch his heart and let him know who You are. Soften his heart and let him seek You. Help him Lord with his struggles and whenever he needs help, please be there for him. Let him know that you are God. Let him know the truth. But honestly speaking, Lord, I really do want this to work out. And that You also use me as an instrument for him to turn to You. Only you can make it work out. Because if I rely on myself, if I rely on him, if I rely on reality as it is, something like this is inexistent and I'm living in a fantasy world. Everything around me is saying it's all wrong but why do I feel so much about it. Why do I hope so much? Is it because this is my first and I am just so naive? Do I need a large dose of reality just to wake up from this dream? Will it be like every other relationship that I hear and know which ends up disgraced, broken, and regretful? Sometimes, I wish that you set this one apart. But I know I shouldn't. Because whatever will happen, whether this will work out or not, I know that what you have is better than what I wish for myself. It's just painful and it makes me sad when relationships don't work out. Not just for myself, but for everyone who has ever been in one. It's just so sad. Right now, Lord, I entrust this to you for I know that You will take care of it. Also, I'll try my very best and work hard on my part as a steward of the gifts and blessings that you have entrusted to me for Your Glory.

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