Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Small-talk-108390039
Talk about the small things. Ask someone how they are going, and wait for their answer.

I was at the post office the other day. No one else was around. As I came to the counter, I felt that the lady serving me was not happy, so I said, "You seem a bit down - are you OK?"

She looked at me and said, "Thank you for asking. I am very worried about my daughter..." She shared why and the concerns she had.

When she had finished telling her story I quietly asked, "Can I pray for you?"


I offered a simple prayer, right there, in a soft voice with my eyes open: "Dear Lord, please bring peace to this family and this situation, amen."

She thanked me and I went on my way. It is amazing what happens when  you ask someone how they are when you are actually willing to listen and respond to what they say. 

- Sally
This is such a simple yet touching act of kindness. Being an introvert, I find it difficult to do such a thing. But I know that it's no excuse for me not to do these kinds of things. I do pray to the Lord that He will give me enough strength and courage to do what is pleasing in His eyes ceasing every opportunity to help others, to love others and to show God's love to them. I pray to be fearless to do the right things according to God's statutes and standards. Amen.

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