" The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may become an infectious skin disease..."
                                                                                                   - Leviticus 13:1-46 -
As I have read this gospel, I thought that the days of Moses must be really really strict and regulated. It's more like dictatorship and no one seems to be exempted from the Holy Law. The law is the law and people are forced to follow them or else they will perish. But those days are unlike these days. Ever since Jesus walked on this earth, things have drastically changed. For the better or for the worst. For the better for the children of God and probably worst for those who haven't acknowledged Him as God and Savior and refused to follow His ways. What impresses me with this writing among others is that if these old laws are applied to our time, it would be deemed as downright cruel and merciless. And to think that these came from God himself. Handed down to the prophets He has entrusted them with. But this shows the Holy side of God. This shows the Holy Laws. No wonder that no one will survive if they have been shown by the true Holiness of God. When they came face to face with the Holiness of the Lord, they will not survive. No one will. This is the power of God.

When Jesus came to this world, He followed all of God's Holy Ways. His Holy rules and regulations. And He was able to do them without blemish. Without flaw. Without sin. And He was able to follow them with love, mercy, and compassion in His heart. He obeyed God that He gave His own life for all of us. To save us from our sins. We were the ones who are supposed to die. I mean, not one will survive. Everyone of us because everyone has sinned. But God saved us all. And gave us a purpose to live this life. That is why we are alive. It is because of Him. Now some may contradict. Some may believe. Some may be skeptical. Some may be bitter. And some may be self-righteous or self-centered. That is because we have free will. Which is in itself, one of God's gift to us. It is because of this that we make different choices. Different decisions. Even if we feel like we don't have control over external stimuli, we do have a choice on how we are going to react with the circumstances we are presented with. And people have different reactions given the circumstances. For the better or for the worst. It's a matter of believing. Believing that there is someone out there who understands us and who has given us lots and lots of chances to realize His truth. Trust me, it's not an easy thing to do. To believe and trust Him with all your heart. Not easy especially if you have been bombarded with troubles here and heartaches there. Not easy when you feel so lonely, betrayed, heart broken, ridiculed, criticized, and experience pain. Not easy when you feel like you're all alone in the world and you feel like no one cares for you. Not easy when you feel insecure, despised, and seems like every bad thing has happened in your life. Not easy when life doesn't come as you planned and every plan you make fails. Definitely not easy at all when you constantly feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It's hard. Really hard. To keep yourself composed. To keep yourself be free from the chains of this world. To keep your integrity and faith. Really really hard especially if the world is moving towards a different direction (for the most part).

This is life. It may be different for each and every one of us. But we all have our shares of sadness and joy. We all have our shares of pain and pleasure. You may compare yourself to someone you think is more successful and more happy than you are, but you can never really tell. You cannot tell what he or she has really gone through. You only know the surface. You only know what he or she wants you to see. Or what he or she doesn't want you to see (in the eyes of others). That's why it's never a good thing to compare yourself to others if they are better or worse than you. Because you don't know what they're going through. But no matter who you are, the one thing that is the most important of this life which a lot have forgotten, is your soul. Because when everything else is gone, your soul will stay. And there are only two places where it will go. And that's when you realize all the choices you made when you are still alive. That's when you realize the value of the life you lived in this ever fading world. That's when you realize the one thing that's truly important in your life.

As for me, I know I'm not living a perfect life (which is not nearly important in the context of perfection in this world) and neither can I say that my faith in God or the understanding of His word is perfect, but while I'm still alive, I still have chances and choices to make things right as much as possible that is directed  towards His ways and I'm praying and hoping that I will constantly battle my demons out and contribute to the evangelism of God's glory. Amen.