I was watching a Youtube video wherein Japanese Christians were singing praise and thanksgiving joyfully to the Lord in their native language. It was really a joy to see these Christians praising and singing enthusiastically and joyfully to God.

I usually read the comments of videos that I watch to know people's opinions and perspectives and I was surprised to see someone commenting who seemed to be an antichrist, denying Jesus Christ and who seemed to be a follower of the evil one. He was denouncing God in his comments and mocking the faith while praising the devil. It was really disturbing and shocking. And I felt uneasy reading his comments that I didn't continue in reading them because they were so awful and so heart-breaking. I can tolerate reading hateful comments because they prolly had a hard time or experiencing bad things in their lives. But for someone to say unspeakable mockeries towards God while praising the evil one is just too sad to know. I could feel the evil one is at work in his soul trying to waver and discourage Christians and everyone alike. If one does not have a strong foundation of faith, for sure he/she will surely be shaken.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
 - John 8:44 -
But then,
"The Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3 -    
- 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - 
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 
- Matthew 11:28 - 

When I read this verse, I think of the former Korn guitarist Brian 'Head' Welch and how his life transformed when he offered his life to Jesus Christ. 

It all started when he was getting tired of his life with all the drugs, the booze, the waste that his fame brought. Then someone shared that verse to him which seemed like it came from nowhere and he exclaimed, 'I'm weary. Yeah, I'm burdened. And sure I need some rest.' Or something like that. Then he started going to church and felt like everyone was out to get him. It was quite ironic because he went to church, but then when he got home, he would continue doing drugs while his daughter was just around the corner. Then something wonderful happened. God opened his eyes and he said something like this, 'God, if you are out there, take away these things that are ruining my life and my daughter's life. And come into my life.' How amazing it is! 

When I read and watched his testimony, I was really amazed and really glad of how God transformed his life all throughout! Sure, I heard before that one of the members of Korn left and some Korn members thought of it as they somehow 'lost' a brother or something. I'm somewhat into rock and metal kind of music so I kinda know these things. Little did I know that the reason he got 'lost' from his former band was that because Christ found him, he offered his life to Christ and he was completely transformed! Amazing! Sure he still has some tattoos, piercings and stuff considered to be, I dunno, repulsive to Christians I guess? But listening to his story, reading his wiki biography (I know, it may not be well-documented, but still), and reading and watching some more stuff about him, I believe that he has truly changed and he somehow speaks for other people that no matter how wasted your life is, no matter how awful you felt, no matter how bad you feel you are, if you just turn around, face Jesus and seek Him with all your heart, God will turn things around for you and He will bless you.  (Brian Welch's testimony can be found here: http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/brian-welch/

If you keep an open mind and an open heart to Him, He will enter in your life and transform it in ways that you can never imagine. I know I did. And it has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life. I just can't explain it. That feeling of knowing that God is always by your side, always there to protect you, always there to listen to you and accept you for everything that you are and still loves you. And always guiding you and drawing you closer to Him, giving you strength and blessing you. It's overwhelming. Sometimes I wish and pray that my loved ones would feel what I'm feeling. But I know that God will touch their hearts and open their eyes in His time. I know I just gotta keep praying and persevering in serving Him and setting an example of how Jesus Christ transformed my life. It's the best thing that ever happened. So whenever you feel weary and burdened, just call out to Him and He will do the rest. :)