It's an article written by Rick Warren and it contains immense wisdom that one should know regarding faith. I just copied it from a friend's facebook page and it's worth sharing. :)

 I first stumbled upon Rick Warren when I read his book, 'The Purpose Driven Life' and honestly, that was one of the stepping stones that I went through for the growth of my faith.
“When I, the Son of Man, return, how many will I find on earth who have faith?”Luke 18:8 (NLT)
We live in an increasingly faithless world. It is a secular world of shifting values and growing egocentrism. If Jesus came back today, how many people of faith would he find? And would you be one of them?

The Bible makes it very clear that God is looking for faithful people. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 it says, “For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them” (LB).

God is seeking faithful people because He wants to bless them. He wants to show his love through his great power. Our faithfulness is the key to unlocking his blessing in our lives.

Jesus said, “According to your faith will it be done to you” (Matthew 9:29 NIV). God wants to pour blessings into all areas of your life – in your family, in your career, in your finances, in your health, in your relationships – but He will do it according to the level of your faith. If you have great faith, you will have great blessing. If you have a little faith, you will receive a little blessing. But if you have no faith, God’s blessing will not be in your life.

Sadly, faithful people who really trust God and live for Christ day in and day out are hard to find. The Bible says, “Everyone talks about how loyal and faithful he is, but just try to find someone who really is” (Proverbs 20:6 TEV).

Psalm 53 says, “God looks down from heaven at people to see if there are any who are wise, any who worship him. But they have all turned away; they are all equally bad. Not one of them does what is right, not a single one” (vv.2-3 TEV).

When sin entered the world with Adam and Eve, we were all corrupted. None of us do what is right all the time. But faith is the key to victory. The greater our faith, the more victory we will experience in our lives. “Every child of God can defeat the world, and it is our faith that gives us the victory …” (1 John 5:4-5 CEV).