sunny side
upside down
turning down the notch

winter hills
and colded chills
fevers to catch

morning sickness
empty stomachs
the road less travelled

chasing ghosts
with longing stares
haunt is unraveled

eternal bliss
how long i seek
that thou shall be mine

empty kisses
hand in hand
sure i'll be fine


this sullen face is getting out of hand
always haunting me amidst everyone
turmoil lurks beneath where i stand
uneasiness continues, living undone

the noise doesn't seem to cease
the cries and wails keep ringing in my ears
unwanted uncertainty prevails amidst
the ground that don these things bring fear

can't seem to escape these solitary waters
flooding my way back to nowhere
angst-driven journey lay wherever
blood and sweat drips here and there

this never-ending path to despair
guided by false hopes and bad dreams
stumbling footsteps no one would care
whatever hindrances that come may seem

Happy memories are gone...

drifted upon me is a soulful bliss
but unfortunately t'was out of reach
trying to catch it but still i miss
and as i fall...i fall into a ditch

breaking my heart as hard as it could
caught in thorns and bushes everywhere
trying to give it up...i might, i would
just to get me somewhere but here

no matter how i try to forget
that soulful bliss keeps coming back
where the mind and the heart met
reality can grasp with no luck

so here i am stuck with this 
heartaches and pain the world brings
it will be a memory i will surely miss
at the back of my head it always sings
Sentiments captured in words. Not of regrets. But of how sad things turned out to be. I'm sorry. For a friend lost because of feelings in the wrong places. Unfinished because inspiration didn't grow to its complete fruition.

i can still remember the things you did
the way you look, the way you act
the way you showed yourself so true
and how i kept the caring love you lacked

i can still remember how you smiled at me
that sweet smile that could linger for days
making the sun shine so brightly
even when you don't have anything to say
Unfinished because I lost inspiration to finish it.

the blood that drips the broken ceiling
the murmurs and shouts behind the walls
the tearless, soundless cries loom over
darkness, despair and fears crawl

bloodshot eyes stare right at you
evil intentions of bringing you to your end
hopeless wails are deafening in the room
outside the walls it is unheard of