If I could only pour out my feelings to you
Without holding back
Without being afraid
With you accepting it as it is
I would you let you know how beautiful you are
How you filled my days with inexplicable joy and unexplainable luminosity
How you have touched my heart in ways I cannot comprehend
But I might scare you away with the fullness of it

When I'm with you, I'm always careful on how I respond
How I act
How I speak
Always thinking of the right words to say
Giving enough care to know that you can always rely on me
But not giving away too much as this may suffocate you
Always trying to balance things out

But if I were to have it my way
If I were to let it all out
I want you to know that despite all of the circumstances 
I will always be here for you
Words cannot fully express how much I feel for you
Always hoping that what we have will never fade
But accepting that reality is not always so kind
Thinking that what we have right now is near to impossible
And someday everything will vanish and wither away

If only I could let you feel how I feel for you or even more,
If you could only accept me for who I am, for my flaws, for my imperfections
If we live in a world where anything is possible,
If I could exist in your world and you could exist in mine,
It would be so beautiful... 

But reality makes it so difficult.
I can only pray and hope and dream.

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