I feel grief at what happened recently in Japan. I feel sorry for all those people who lost their homes, jobs, and loved ones. I was just overwhelmed by the destruction it caused. It's like watching a scene from a movie about a huge natural calamity affecting the earth. It's like a movie about the end of the world. And it's likely going to happen not just in movies, but in reality. 

When I first heard about the devastation that happened in Japan, what came to my mind was that Armageddon is coming. Lately, natural calamities are happening in different parts of the world, war is on-going, and most of the people are blinded by the glitz and glamour of entertainment, luxury, and pleasure. When I saw the images of the devastation that happened in Japan, I was awestruck by the impact of the mishap it brought there. The damage was so great. People losing their homes. Fire began erupting in different places. Companies closed down. Food stocks got empty. Industrial plants burning down. It's just awful. I feel really bad for them. But it's Japan. I believe that they can stood from the destruction that it left them. After all, they have done this before. I can compare it to the bombings that occurred there before. They will be able to rise from it. But still, let us pray for them that they will withstand this calamity and they will go through from this traumatic event in their lives. 
I am really touched by what Utada Hikaru wrote about the calamity. It's not just her music and talent that makes me admire her, but it's her great personality and good soul. She continues to be an inspiration and an awesome role model for everyone.

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