Last Saturday, I attended a Church service that somehow brought some insights in my life. It was really a blessing for it enlightened me about things that I have pondered before. I wrote about tithes before and how perplexed I am about how it works. But that service was an eye opener. It was something that I need to hear. Something that was meant to happen but I wasn't able to anticipate it. It's funny because it was not the Church service my work mate invited me. He was supposed to invite me on the next Church service wherein a great speaker was to share a powerful testimonial. But I believe it was no accident that I was able to attend that. Because it helped me clear my mind about offering and giving. It was supposed to be a series of service about Wealth and Possessions: Biblical Perspective. It contained a lot of valuable wisdom and knowledge that I believe a Christian must know for the growth of his/her faith. 

The title of his 'speech' is 'Concerning the Collection' and it talks about giving to Christ. The sole core verse that centers upon is 1 Corinthians 16:1-4

"Now about the collection for God's people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. Then, when I arrive, I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem. If it seems advisable for me to go also, they will accompany me."

Before, I really did not put into heart the teachings of the Bible about giving 10% of your income or blessings to the Lord. I mean I didn't think it was important. I thought you just give to your heart's content and it's not necessary. That was before I didn't know anything about it. And then I had a Bible study way back in my home town where they gave me glimpses of giving 10% of your income. They said it was a requirement and there are verses in the Bible stating so. But the explanation wasn't enough. I was still bothered and perplexed about some things which I wrote about before. And what happened last Saturday was an answer to all of my speculations about it.

It made me realize that giving to the Lord is what He wants us to do as a Christian. The pastor gave some points about this. Pardon me for I cannot put them into words the way the pastor shared it and how clear and concise he was. But he stated that as a Christian, this is what we ought to do with both our hearts and minds put  into it. It also made me realize that it's not about the 10%, but we ought to give proportion to our blessings. It's not necessarily 10% because that would confine us to offer only 10% and it would become like a chore or something. Rather, it should be more than that. It should be given whole-heartedly and would serve as an offering of thanking God for the blessings that He has given us. If He has blessed us more, we ought to give more. Grace abounds the law. That is why we ought to give more than the 10% which was the law. When Jesus Christ came to this earth, it was because of God's grace to us. 

The pastor shared a lot of stories that were related to the topic at hand and they were so inspiring. He even said that no one is too rich to sacrifice and no one is too poor to give. This was shown in a Bible story about a poor young woman and a wealthy person who each gave something to the Church. And what he said was right. He made us realize that it is essential as a Christian to give to the Lord. He also enlightened us on where to give. He also mentioned that giving should not be on a whim. Not based on feelings. Not when you feel like giving. Not when you have enough. But rather it should be commitment to God. It is something that a Christian must do every week because that's what the Bible tells us. But it should not be something that is done just because of that sole reason alone. It should be done because you want to glorify God and that your offering speaks your faith towards God. 

Here are some principles of giving that the pastor enlightened us:
I. Giving is universal for all believers.
II. Giving is regular.
III. Giving is a personal act.
IV. Giving is intentional.
V. Giving is proportional to your blessings.
VI. Givingd is an unpressured response.
VII. Giving is responsible.

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