I feel grief at what happened recently in Japan. I feel sorry for all those people who lost their homes, jobs, and loved ones. I was just overwhelmed by the destruction it caused. It's like watching a scene from a movie about a huge natural calamity affecting the earth. It's like a movie about the end of the world. And it's likely going to happen not just in movies, but in reality. 

When I first heard about the devastation that happened in Japan, what came to my mind was that Armageddon is coming. Lately, natural calamities are happening in different parts of the world, war is on-going, and most of the people are blinded by the glitz and glamour of entertainment, luxury, and pleasure. When I saw the images of the devastation that happened in Japan, I was awestruck by the impact of the mishap it brought there. The damage was so great. People losing their homes. Fire began erupting in different places. Companies closed down. Food stocks got empty. Industrial plants burning down. It's just awful. I feel really bad for them. But it's Japan. I believe that they can stood from the destruction that it left them. After all, they have done this before. I can compare it to the bombings that occurred there before. They will be able to rise from it. But still, let us pray for them that they will withstand this calamity and they will go through from this traumatic event in their lives. 
I am really touched by what Utada Hikaru wrote about the calamity. It's not just her music and talent that makes me admire her, but it's her great personality and good soul. She continues to be an inspiration and an awesome role model for everyone.

Life is a game.
I'm filled with grim images as I immerse myself in horrid and brutally picturesqe concepts and materials. I have just hoarded information regarding Battle Royale and Lord of the Flies among other things which involves situations that are unpopular and appears to be a taboo (I didn't know there was such a thing as matricide and it's actually happening in reality! How horrible! :-S). I cannot relay a detailed explanation of my curiosity of these kinds of things. This is probably because, as I have said before, these things are unpopular and are not expressly or openly discussed among peers. And because I wanted to find out the truth of this reality. That's because not everyone can handle the truth. The brutal truth of human nature. Not everyone can handle things that seemed impossible but rather signifies some truths in it denied by society. Not everyone can handle truth that is presented brutally and violently.
What interests me in these things are the psychological aspects of people that are twisted and perverted in a way that would lead them to do things that are unheard of. It's a rather ostracized theme of life so information about it is limited and I have this urge to divulge in this topic deeply to extract the very nature of people and to understand the reasons behind their warped actions. I just felt the need to be able to help explain the actions of people especially brutal actions. Because once you determine the root cause of an action, you would be able to understand and probably avoid that from happening to people around you. This also gives me insight and understanding in helping a person fight his or her personal demons and emancipate him or her from past pains, disappointments, frustrations, and traumatic experiences. 

I should have been a psychologist.
I really enjoy taking different kinds of tests with no right or wrong answers. I guess it helps me know a little more about myself and it helps me become aware of my weaknesses and strengths. It helps me see the things about me that I should correct or mitigate and helps me strengthen my strengths. But I don't know the accuracy of these tests. Some are very accurate. Some are not. Some can only be proven by people who know me best.

Here is what I got for The Five Factor Values Test way back in college I think:

If I could only pour out my feelings to you
Without holding back
Without being afraid
With you accepting it as it is
I would you let you know how beautiful you are
How you filled my days with inexplicable joy and unexplainable luminosity
How you have touched my heart in ways I cannot comprehend
But I might scare you away with the fullness of it

When I'm with you, I'm always careful on how I respond
How I act
How I speak
Always thinking of the right words to say
Giving enough care to know that you can always rely on me
But not giving away too much as this may suffocate you
Always trying to balance things out

But if I were to have it my way
If I were to let it all out
I want you to know that despite all of the circumstances 
I will always be here for you
Words cannot fully express how much I feel for you
Always hoping that what we have will never fade
But accepting that reality is not always so kind
Thinking that what we have right now is near to impossible
And someday everything will vanish and wither away

If only I could let you feel how I feel for you or even more,
If you could only accept me for who I am, for my flaws, for my imperfections
If we live in a world where anything is possible,
If I could exist in your world and you could exist in mine,
It would be so beautiful... 

But reality makes it so difficult.
I can only pray and hope and dream.
What do you mean by the likeness of God?
"When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God."
                                                                                                                                                    - Genesis 5:1 - 

Surely it doesn't mean that we are 'like' God Himself. We would be lying and that would be hypocrisy. But what is likeness when man is compared to God? 

Likeness means state, quality, or fact of being like. A resemblance. An imitative appearance. 

Does it mean that God looks like us? Does it mean we are made in the state and quality of God. Does that make us equal to Him then? I don't think the answer is yes. For some reason, this stirred something in me. Something deep. Something unexplainable. The statement is rather very vague but I think this is about freewill. This is about having the freedom to think, to feel, to act, to sense, and to judge. But in all of these, how we do these things are far more different from God. He is eternal. We are made of dust. He is supreme. We are earthlings. He is perfect. We are capable making mistakes. 

Such statement evokes me as I want to understand the Word of God and putting the pieces together. To be able to live this life fulfillingly withstanding the forces that would lead to my destruction.